India exported 68,000 metric tons of shrimp in November, up a massive 41% compared with November of last year.
Exports were up 4% compared with October, latest trade data from India's Ministry of Commerce and Industry shows.
For the year to date, exports now stand at 605,000t, up 7% compared with the first eleven months of 2018.
November's higher exports show the difference a year makes; last year Indian shrimp production was down in the fall after prices crashed in summer 2018, whereas this year farmgate prices and production have been relatively stable.
Looking at India's export markets, shipments to China stood out; shipments rose 37% compared with October to 22,000t, just 1,900t lower than exports to the US, India's largest market.
Exports to the US came to 24,000t, down 12% compared with October.
However, exports to the US were worth $207 million in value compared with exports worth $134m to China.
In total, India's shrimp exports were worth $493m, up 31% compared with November 2018.
The average unit value of India's exports slipped $0.35 per kilogram in the month to $7.29/kg, thanks to the increased share of India's exports to China and the drop to the US. Year-on-year, the average unit value was down by $0.51/kg.