Market News
Global meet on marine ecosystems

05 Jan 2020

Eminent marine scientists, oceanographers, fishery researchers and marine biotechnologists will assemble here from January 7 to 10 to attend the third international symposium on marine ecosystems – challenges and opportunities.
Organised by the Marine Biological Association of India, MECOS-3 will set a platform for discussion on a wide range of topics, including impact of climate change on marine ecosystems and unusual warming of the Arabian Sea.
Petri Suuronen, programme director, Blue Bioeconomy Natural Resources Institute, Finland, will open the symposium at 3 p. m. on Tuesday.
The four-day meet being held at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute assumes significance in the backdrop of recent trend of continuous cyclonic storms and other phenomena in the Arabian Sea. During a special session on climate crisis, experts will discuss blue carbon habitats, ocean acidification, sea surface temperature, ocean warming, extreme events, climate smart technologies, carbon foot print and impact, mitigation and vulnerability of the climate change.
The meet will also focus on sustainable development goal -14 (life under water) of the UN, development of small-scale fisheries, recent development in aquaculture, eco-labelling and green fishing technologies.
Award for VC
On the occasion, the third Dr. S. Jones Memorial Prize, instituted by MBAI for outstanding contributions to marine biology and fisheries, will be presented to T. Balasubramanian, Vice Chancellor of Chettinad University, Chennai.
Aimed at promoting the idea of reducing carbon foot prints, the symposium itself has been designed in an eco-friendly way. No printed materials and single-use plastics will be used at the symposium. Natural materials will be used for presenting mementos to the guests and certificates will be sent to the participants in digital form.

Source: The Hindu

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