Market News
Afro-Asian fisheries delegation visits Munambam

19 Oct 2019

A delegation of fisheries officials from 10 member countries of African Asian Rural Development Organisation (AARDO) visited Munambam fishing harbour to study the operational structure of marine fisheries sector in India.
The visit was part of a 15-day international workshop being organised by the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) under the auspices of the AARDO. The team, comprised of officials from Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Oman, Morocco, Zambia, Malawi, Mauritius, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.
The visit helped the delegates to understand the common fish varieties caught by Indian fishermen, fish used by fish feed mills and the auction process at Munambam. The team also got to see a giant bull shark accidentally caught by a trawler.
The team was introduced to the market chain connecting fishermen to consumers.
The team members joined CMFRI officers  in collecting landing samples using the stratified multi-stage random sampling method. A team of CMFRI researchers and fisher folks explained the activities at the harbour to the delegates.
The workshop is aimed at imparting training on topics such as marine fisheries assessment, fish stock estimation, marine fisheries environment and impact of climate change on fisheries.

Source: New Indian Express

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