Union Minister for Fisheries Giriraj Singh has inaugurated the newly established Aquatic Animal Health and Quality Testing Laboratory at National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) here Saturday.
The lab has facilities for Microbiological and Molecular Diagnosis of Aquatic Animal Diseases as well as sophisticated equipment for detecting residues of banned antibiotics, pesticides and preservatives in fish and fishery products that are detrimental to the consumers’ health.
Union Minister also visited the Demonstration Units on the campus which include: Aqua-One Center, Aadhar Based Verification of Farmer Beneficiaries, Aquaponics Unit, Backyard RAS Unit, Backyard Ornamental Fish Unit, Fish Waste Decomposing Unit.
Later he released the publications, “Brochure on Demonstration Units” and “Handbook for Aqua Farmers”- a compilation of Model Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for various Fisheries Projects funded by Govt. of India.
Earlier, Giriraj launched the Fish Market Price Information System (FMPIS) Dashboard, reviewed the NFDB Activities, and interacted with Fish Farmers and Entrepreneurs.