Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb said that the instruction had given to the department of fishery in view of increasing the production of fish here in Tripura and it is important to adopt appropriate technology from India and abroad for increasing fish production.
“A total amount of Rs 400 to 450 crore in every financial year has been being paid by the state with an eye to importing fish from others country like Bangladesh and the state Tripura is being exported fish from others Indian state like Andhra Pradesh but it has to be stopped for the benefit of the state”, said Mr Deb.
The department of fishery, Government of Tripura has said that the fresh water fishes forms an important food item as it cheap source nutrition for human beings, and a reliable source income and livelihoods to nearly one lakh eighty four thousand seven hundred and eighty people of Tripura. It is a fact that more than 95% of its populace is fish consumers in their daily diet.
The Economic Review of Tripura 2017-18 and it is the latest government report which has revealed that the role of Tripura fisheries department towards meeting the food security of State’s population assumes greater significance. The per capita consumption of fish in the State with 18.91 kg is reported to be highest among the inland States of the country.
“This is the first state in the North East to produce seed of fresh water prawn in artificial sea water on a commercial scale and prawn production is expected to be 32.294 MT. However, though there is tremendous potential of available aqua resources in the state, the local production of fish is expected to meet only 20 kg against actual per capita fish consumption demand of 23.48 kg at the end of 2018-19”, informed the report of fishery department published on economic review of Tripura 2017-18.
It is the expectation of the officers of fishery department that the other factors have also influenced to raise consumption demand of fish due to population growth, rising incomes, urbanization and improved marketing distribution channels. Thus, the department has taken up initiatives to bridge the gap between demand and supply from local source and to meet the requirement of fish in coming years.