Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry C.R. Chaudhary, in response to a question by MP V. Vijayasai Reddy informed Rajya Sabha on Wednesday that Visakhapatnam Port topped the 10 leading ports in the country in marine products exports.
He said MPEDA had submitted an action plan to the AP Chief Secretary for development of export-oriented fisheries in the State.
The plan includes developing clusters of aquaculture farms by organising farmers to go for joint farming, establishing seafood park in Visakhapatnam, upgrading fishing harbours along with dredging area around fishing harbour here and implementation of better management practices and extension training for fishery officials and lab technicians. MPEDA also wanted farm level and hatchery training in Visakhapatnam
To another query, Minister of State of Home Affairs Hansraj Gangaram Ahir said recommendations of Sheela Bhide Committee in apportionment of assets and liabilities with regard to Singareni Collieries were under examination by both AP and TS