The government will launch a pilot scheme for promoting ornamental fisheries sector with an outlay of Rs 61.89 crore to meet rising demand in domestic and export markets.
It is a sub-sector of the fisheries sector dealing with breeding and rearing of coloured fish of both freshwater and marine water.
In India it is small but vibrant and there is a potential for tremendous growth. About 400 species of marine ornamental fishes and 375 freshwater ornamental varieties are available in various parts of the country.
The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries has envisaged a programme to unlock the potential of countrys ornamental fisheries sector.
The project will be implemented in eight states -- Assam, West Bengal, Odisha, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, the Agriculture Ministry said in a statement.
The pilot project will focus on creating an enabling environment for a sustainable and holistic development of ornamental fisheries for the socio-economic development of the people involved in this activity as well as for exports.